Music Teacher Gifts

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Music Teacher Cat - A - Palooza

Practice Tip Cards are Hit with Music Teachers

Definition of Palooza is: "an all-out crazy party; partying at one place with a ton of people like there's no tomorrow."Music Teacher, cat humorThat's what Violettes by Becky has been so quietly doing. One year ago, I started painting music themed art. People loved it. Even more, they loved when I put titles to the art. It turned into over 50 Greeting Cards , posters and even a coloring book in one year. The cards mostly illustrate music practice tips. But the sets of eight cards expanded as I received requests.So, currently in addition to getting 8 of the same cards in a set (as in number 1 below), the following sets are available:1. Whimsical with humorous or serious "PRACTICE TIPS" on the backs. (We take requests).2. "Seize the Opportunity to Play" (best gift with people playing in interesting places - subtitle on back)3. Asian collection (A set of 10 cards with instruments from 10 different Asian countries, and description on back)4. Appalachian Assortment5. Beer-Guitar (Adult Tips "Have Foam with Your Music") and Banjo Moonshine Designs.6. Tips for Playing in an Orchestra7. In Progress - Voice Tips

Link to cards on web site.

All cards can be purchased as 11 by 17 or 16 by 20 inch posters at the link below.If you have any requests or questions, do not hesitate to email or call 865/850-9220.We have been attending new kinds of events, and have learned that music teachers andMusic Teacher, Cat Grandmothers of young musicians are the biggest clients. Recently I attended the ETSBOA, the East Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association. Folks love the cards and posters with cats and dogs so much. One gentleman came up to my vendor table and said, I am a dog person. What dog cards do you have?Now we are creating a "Musical Pet Series". So stay tuned.Future Violettes by Becky vending events: Turkey Creek, Knoxville Hallmark store will be holding an event featuring Violettes very soon.

  • Feb. 25 Relix Theatre, Wild Women Don't Have the Blues
  • March 3 at Sherrill Hills Retirement Home from Noon to 3PM
  • April 5 and 6, Nashville, Tennessee Music Teachers Association (TMTA) State Convention

Please visit our Music Teacher Cat - A - Palooza today.

Gift ideas for music lovers